

Training Modules & Know How Transfer Sessions

  • Working in Teams and with Teams
  • Conflict management
  • Crisis management
  • Public Speaking & Presentation techniques (hard & soft skills)
  • Leadership
  • Project management
  • Time management
  • Marketing and Communication
  • Sales, Finance and Budgeting
  • Lobbying
  • Hybrid Events
  • Online Events
  • Partnerships and Closing Deals
  • Budgeting, Funding & Sponsorships
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Logistics
  • Event Production
  • Event Management
  • Artistic Direction of Live Events
  • Understanding your audience – how did it change?
  • Event Strategy
  • Working within the community and community impact of your event
  • Event Sustainability
  • Live events & the SDG’s

The 7 day, 6 nights Confernce Organising Academy is delivered in a boot camp setting, at Simisalu Nature House, in Estonia, utilising a number of different learning skills, including one to one and team coaching, team building sessions, facilitation, best and worst practice learning amongst others on the above listed topics and a few others.

Our excellent pool of international trainers will deliver sessions both as workshops and also as Know How Transfer sessions. These Know -How Transfer sessions are aimed to share real life experiences and examples from the industry in detail and dissected in depth to answer questions or fill in knowledge gaps participants feel they might have.

Check out a more detailed Academy Programme here

Have you got questions? Contact the Conference Organizing Academy team at: coacademy@jci.eeĀ or drop us a FB Message